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Meeting Summary: April 27th,2024


(English follows Japanese)

Aさんが、実質初めてのToastmaster of the evening 担当








次にロサンジェルス帰りのMさんのtable topics セッション。




そんなこんなの会場側からVPEが会長のスピーチをevaluateしました。オンラインの時のevaluationよりグッとレベルがあがっている気がするのは、リアルで会場にいるという臨場感でしょうか、それとも、VPEの英語力とスピーチスキルが日々すごいスピードで進化しているということでしょうか? 素晴らしいIEでした。

そうそう、私もIce Breakerのevaluation formを書かないといけません。

Iさんは、初めての大役、General Evaluatorをつとめ、そつなく役割説明とまとめをされてました。英語が堪能だというのは、強みですよね。

ゲストのTさん、前回参加のtable topics boot campとは全く違う雰囲気のミーティングに少々緊張気味なのがわかりました。



Meeting Summary: April 27th

It was a night of firsts and flourishing talents at our Toastmasters meeting!

First-time Triumphs:

Our member, A-san, took on the role of Toastmaster of the Evening for the first time. Navigating a hybrid environment with grace, A-san managed the evening seamlessly—a promising debut indeed!

Y-san gave their first-ever Ice Breaker speech. Despite the nerves and the hybrid setting's time constraints, Y-san passionately shared their favorite movies with us. Ice Breakers really bring us closer, offering a glimpse into each other's personalities.

Impromptu Brilliance:

Our club president, T-san, delivered his first speech in Kashiwa outside of joint meetings. Without any preparation, T-san skillfully outlined a future team-building game. Minimal filler words, maximum impact—truly impressive! It makes one aspire to take on roles spontaneously and enhance speaking skills, despite the daily grind.

From Los Angeles, M-san led an intriguing table topics session, weaving experiences from Dodger Stadium into diverse questions—a fresh perspective that enlivened our discussions!

Behind the Scenes:

Despite some internet hiccups, our venue staff remained calm and coordinated, a testament to their competence and cool-headedness. It’s amazing how tech-savviness equates to staying collected under pressure.

VPE evaluated our club president's speech with an insight that seems to amplify in a live setting—perhaps it's the real-life presence, or maybe it’s VPE’s rapidly evolving English and speaking skills. Either way, it was an impressive evaluation.

I mustn’t forget; I also need to complete an evaluation form for the Ice Breaker.

I-san, in their debut as General Evaluator, effortlessly explained their role and provided a concise summary. Proficiency in English is indeed a strength!

Guest Experience:

Guest T-san felt a bit nervous, as this meeting was quite different from the previous table topics boot camp they attended. However, she expressed that it was a learning experience and hoped to join us again.

A Team to Be Proud Of:

Tonight showed that our team could handle anything—a sign of a great group of people. Looking forward to what the next meeting holds!


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