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Exciting Table Topics Recap and Upcoming Events!


(Japanese follows English)

Last Table Topics Boot Camp of the year was a blast! Even the newcomers seem to be getting used to the vibe in Kashiwa, which is awesome. We had a variety of topics, but one that got me was, 'Do you prefer hanging out with younger or older folks?' I was like, 'What!?' at first, but it had such a cool twist and everyone landed on a relatable point. Made me think we've got a bunch of balanced and cool pals.

It's such a good learning experience with Table Topics, right? Seems like it could come in handy in real life too. Now, next week is 'Talk in English' (Casual Discussion Session), and our newbie I-san is taking the lead. Yay! Looking forward to it.

And hey, on the 10th, we've got a year-end party in person. Exciting stuff! There are a few faces I'll be meeting for the first time, so it's shaping up to be a good time.

今年最後のTable Topics Boot Campも楽しかったですよ


トピックも色々でした。個人的に面白かったのは、「あなたは若い人と年配の方とどっちが好きですか?」っていう質問。 「え~~~っ!?」と思いましたが、とても好感の持てる着地点を持っていて、バランスの取れた仲間達だなぁと思いました。


さてさて、来週は、”Talk in English” (Casual Discussion Session)ですが、新人のIさんがリーダーを務めてくださいます。やったー!! 楽しみです。

そして、10日は忘年会、in personですよ。 これまた、ワクワクしちゃいますなぁ。



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