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Role Takers

"A Toastmaster wears many hats"

Toastmasters club meetings provide an opportunity for members to learn and practice communication and leadership skills by assuming a variety of roles. Each meeting role has a unique set of responsibilities and skills for you to explore.

「トーストマスターは いくつもの帽子をかぶっている」


Here they are.↓

Toastmaster of the day/evening 当日の司会

Prepared speaker        準備スピーチ

Individual evaluator       個人スピーチのフィードバック

General evaluator        ミーティング全体のフィードバック

Topic master           即興スピーチの司会

Ah counter  えーと カウンター

Grammarian          文法係

Ballot counter          投票係

I'll be a topic master on Feb.26.

Topic master's role explanation


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